Friday, February 3, 2017

2 Weeks into the Quarter!

Hello Families!
We are two weeks into the new quarter already and students are creating like crazy!  I am so happy to see this!  The quarter was off to a rocky and slow start for me as I had a death in my family that kept me away from the art room for a few days.  I am happy to be back and teaching, this is where I love to be.

7th grade students are busy creating their Op Art cubes by finishing up their thumbnail sketches.  I believe in a lot of planning prior to creating the final piece.  The Op Art cube will display 6 different optical illusions - 3 in black and white and 3 in color.  Students will learn how to use color, line, form, and shape in their art by creating these cubes.  Once they are done, they will be hung in the 7th grade hall (always a favorite display).  This project is a big one with many steps building up to the final piece.

Image result for op art cube
Op art cubes

8th grade students are working on Notan paper cuttings.  Notan is a Japanese term meaning balance.  A well known Notan image is Yin and Yang.  Students are creating a two color Notan based on a simple line drawing or on a themed line drawing making it more personal.  Notans use positive and negative space to create balance.  Prior to designing their Notan, students learned and practiced X-acto knife safety.

Image result for paper notan
This is an example of a Notan paper cutting.

Finally, the 6th grade students are learning about radial symmetry, line, and color while creating a Radial Name Design.  It all starts with a small triangle - students fill the triangle with their name in thick letters.  The letters must fill the triangle shape and will be distorted to do so.  Then this triangle is copied 8 times onto the final piece of paper using radial symmetry.  The letters face forward and backward always mirroring each other.  Color is added to the letters and 4 different black and white line designs are added to the background.  By time they are finished the name is almost unreadable and patterns of color and line take shape.
Image result for radial name design
Radial Name Designs
As you can see and tell, the art room is a really busy place!  I teach over 150 students in a 8 period day and love every bit of it!  I encourage you to ask your son or daughter what they are up to in art, we are creating some wonderful things.                      
                                                                                                  -Mrs. Doro

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