Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hello from the BMS Art Department!

Greetings Everyone!
I hope your Christmas break is restful and a time for you to be with the important people in your life.  I have been enjoying spending time with my family, eating, sleeping in, and a little shopping.

All BMS Art students have been creating some beautiful pieces, and I couldn't be more proud of their accomplishments.

6th Grade

Prior to break 6th grade students finished glazing their clay emoji rattles.   Students began the project by building a hollow clay sphere from two pinch pots.  Then, subtraction and addition techniques were used to create an emoji expression of students' choosing.  These rattles were bisque fired in the kiln and fired a second time once gaze was applied.  These were some of the most creatively made emojis I have seen!
Students created a hollow rattle sphere by joining two pinch pots together with bits of clay inside.

Addition and subtraction techniques were used to create an emoji emotion of the students' choosing.

6th grade students also completed their stenciled skyline projects.  There are two types of space in art- negative and positive.  Students learned the difference between these as they created their skylines.  Along with space, students also used the Elements of Art-color and line.  Color was added by using cool or warm acrylic paints and a water spray bottle.  Horizontal, vertical, and diagonal pencil lines gave the skyscrapers added definition.  The results of student effort and positive attitudes can be seen in the display cases in the halls of BMS.
Students applied acrylic paint to the skyscraper stencils then sprayed the surface with water.  Gravity did the rest!

After the paint dried, the stencils were removed and diagonal, vertical, and horizontal pencil lines were added to give the buildings more definition.

7th Grade

7th grade students also wrapped up their clay projects prior to Christmas break.  Students created clay ocarina (whistle) animals.  An ocarina is a musical instrument from South America.  Once the ocarina structures were built and apertures added students were able to create an animal of their choosing.  Various techniques were used to accomplish this including coiling and slab building.  After the first firing in the kiln acrylic paint was applied and the ocarinas were sealed with a clear finish.  The pieces look and sound terrific!  
Students constructing and adding details to their ocarinas.

 Details were important in making these animal structures.

 After the bisque firing acrylic paint was added to the surfaces of the ocarinas.

8th Grade

8th grade students will be finishing their glass mosaic tiles after break.  Each student has been creating a 6"x6" mosaic design of their choice.  Each piece of glass is cut to fit the design similar to a puzzle.  Once the tiles are glued in place a grout will be used to fill in the gaps and add unity to the piece.  Lots of patience is required for this project!
                                              Fitting and cutting tesserae to form a mosaic.

A beautiful job!

                                     Students use a variety of different colors in their designs.

Art Club

BMS Art Club members have been busy!  Members had the opportunity to attend a beading workshop at Prairie Beads where they could create a "Good JuJu Doll."  These were created with sculpting wire and fair-trade beads.  FUN!
Art Club members also had the opportunity to spread Christmas cheer and collect money for Salvation Army by ringing bells.  7 amazing students braved the cold and sipped hot chocolate outside of Walmart ringing  their hearts out!  THANK YOU!

The first semester of the 2018-19 school year is quickly coming to a close.  Still a few more projects to create and complete.  I will miss the relationships I have formed with my current students and look forward to the classes yet to come!

Your Enthusiastic Art Teacher,
Mrs. Doro